Special Programs
What is AVID?
- AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination
- A direct support structure for students' academic and career success.
- A structured, college prepartory system working directly with schools and districts.
- A schoolwide approach to curriculum and rigor adopted by nearly 4,500 schools in 45 states and 15 countries.
- AVID strategies support the curriculum.
The Mission of AVID:
AVID's mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.
2024-2025 AVID Elective Class will begin at Columbus Junior High School for 6th - 8th grade
2024-2025 AVID Elective Class will be offered to students in 9th grade at CHS
Gifted & Talented
Special Education
To be protected under Section 504, a student must be determined to: (1) have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; or (2) have a record of such an impairment; or (3) be regarded as having such an impairment.
At the elementary and secondary school level, determining whether a child is a qualified disabled student under Section 504 begins with the evaluation process. For questions regarding the evaluation process at CJHS, please contact Mikel Luna, Counselor, (979) 732 - 2891 or [email protected].
Supporting English Learners in Texas: This web portal is designed to help families with information and resources to ensure the academic success of their child.
CJHS offers ESL tutorials to all students who have English as their second language. We will offer six after school tutorial sessions in the fall and six after school tutorial sessions in the spring.