Campus Student Guide
What should every CJHS Cardinal do when they arrive at school?
- Any student who would like to eat breakfast should report to the cafeteria.
- All 6th grade students will gather in the breezeway between the old gym and the front office. Girls will sit on one side. Boys will sit on the other.
- All 7th and 8th grade students will gather in the cafeteria.
- Students may use their electronic devices between 7:30 - 7:50 am, but headphones should be worn or the volume turned down.
- Any student may attend tutorials from 7:30 - 7:50 am.
- Use this time to focus. Set goals for yourself. Think positive thoughts about what a Great Cardinal Day you will have!
What should every CJHS Cardinal do when moving through the hallways?
- Move purposefully through the hallway staying to the right. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Use appropriate language and volume.
- Respect others' personal space.
- Help keep our hallways clean. Pick up trash if you drop it or see it.
- Get to every class on time.
- Smile and say hi to others!
What should every CJHS Cardinal do in the classrooms?
- Follow teacher instructions.
- Be prepared with materials and homework.
- Participate in class. Ask questions.
- Be a good listener, to your teacher and your peers.
- Encourage others.
- Challenge yourself to extend your learning.
- Complete and turn in all of your assignments.
- Ask the teacher if you can come to tutorials if you do not understand or need additional help.
What should every CJHS Cardinal do in the cafeteria?
- Follow instructions.
- Sit at your assigned table and wait patiently to be released to get in the lunch line.
- Eat your own food. No sharing.
- Say "please" and "thank you."
- Use appropriate language and volume.
- If you see someone sitting by themself, invite them to join you or your group. Build friendships!
- Stay in your seat.
- Keep your area clean. Be sure all trash is put in the trash bin before you leave for recess.
What should every CJHS Cardinal remember when in the locker room(s) or bathroom(s)?
- Use the facilities for their intended purpose. Do not gather and hang out.
- Flush and wash.
- Throw all trash in the trash can. Help keep our campus clean!
- Report any problems to a teacher or coach.
What should every CJHS Cardinal do in all other areas including on the bus?
- Do what is right, even when no one is looking.
- Follow directions.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Be calm, and wait your turn.
- Use appropriate language and volume.
- BE KIND to others.