Student Resources » Clubs & Organizations

Clubs & Organizations

The following are clubs/organizations currently available at CJHS-RC:

  • Band
  • Cards Who Care
  • Cheer Squad
  • Cheerleading
  • National Junior Honor Society
  • Student Council

Cards Who Care

Sponsor: Coach Shorter

CJHS-RC has established an anti-bullying team of students and faculty, Cards Who Care, to help monitor and prevent bullying on our campus. The team will consist of girls and boys from each grade level (6-8). An assembly will be held to explain the group and ask for volunteers. The team for each grade will then be selected by a committee consisting of the principal, assistant principal, counselor, team leader for the respective grade, and a teacher from the respective grade. The team of students will monitor and report instances of bullying to the principal or assistant principal, and appropriate action will be taken. The team will also serve as a go between for student students to report incidents of bullying for students who would otherwise be reluctant to do so.


Cheer and Cheer Squad

Sponsors: Mrs. Oppermann

The CJHS-RC Cheerleaders promote school spirit at athletic events, pep rallies, and other school functions. They also represent Columbus Junior High School - RC at such non-school events as approved by the principal. The CJHS-RC Cheerleaders incorporate aspects of cheer, dance and pomp, stunting and tumbling. Members perform at CJHS-RC selected football games and pep rallies. Cheerleading tryouts will be held in the spring. The CJHS-RC cheerleading guidelines are available on the CJHS-RC website or in the office.

National Junior Honor Society

Sponsor: Mr. Friedrich

Membership in the National Junior Honor Society is both an honor and a responsibility. No student has a right to belong to the NJHS; it is an honor bestowed by the faculty. Students selected for membership are expected to continue to demonstrate the qualities of scholarship. To be eligible the candidate must be a sixth or seventh grade student. They must have a cumulative average of 90 or above in all subjects. The final average of the year will be the determining factor. They shall then be evaluated on the basis of service, leadership, character, and citizenship. The selection of each member to the chapter shall be by a faculty council. More information about NJHS can be found on the CJHS-RC website. Induction of new members will be held in May of that year or September of the following year. Applications for admission are due the last Friday of March.


Student Council

Sponsor: Mrs. King

A student council is a group of student leaders who work with an adult advisor to collaborate with others to impact their school community, which impacts their city or town, which impacts our state, which impacts our country, which changes the world.

    - Definition created by 2008-09 TASC State Officers and District Presidents

The CJHS-RC Student Council will work throughout the school year to complete service projects that help our community and our school.

Standards of Behavior

Sponsors of student clubs and performing groups such as the band, choir, and drill and athletic teams may establish standards of behavior—including consequences for misbehavior—that are stricter than those for students in general. If a violation is also a violation of school rules, the consequences specified by the Student Code of Conduct or by board policy will apply in addition to any consequences specified by the organization’s standards of behavior.

Offices and Elections

Certain clubs, organizations, and performing groups will hold elections for student officers. These groups include: CJHS Student Council, National Junior Honor Society.