Kasey Peikert » Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus

Course Description:

(Disclaimer: A student has to work very hard at doing nothing to get less than a 100 average in this class each six weeks.) 

  • We will learn how to type properly using the home row keys.
  • We will learn how to use google docs, google sheets, google slides, google forms and google drawings.

Materials Required:
Chromebook-Class set

Learn-by-Doing-Class set

Class Rules/Expectations:

  • Students are responsible to complete their assignments in a timely manner. If absent, you must attend 7:30am tutorials to make up missed assignments the following day. 
  1. All students will be seated in class with materials ready when the bell rings or be marked TARDY.
  2. Students will demonstrate respect for others and for school equipment (computers).
  3. Students are expected to listen to instructions the first time given.
  4. As a guest in the classroom, students are expected to help keep the room neat and clean. 
  5. Food, candy, and drinks are prohibited in the computer lab.
  6. Students must stay seated until the dismissal bell. Standing by the door is prohibited.
  7. Cell phones are to be turned off and put away. If they are seen or heard they will be confiscated.


  • 1st infraction - Verbal warning/one-on-one conference with student 
  • 2nd infraction - Teacher/student contacts parent
  • 3rd infraction - Student will visit with assistant principal; after school detention.

Make-up work days/times: Every morning at 7:30am. 

Grade Weights for Determining the Six Weeks Report Card Grade:

  • Major grades (tests, projects, etc.) 40% minimum of 2 per six weeks
  • Minor grades (class work, quizzes, labs, journals, etc.) 50% minimum of 1 per week
  • Other (homework, participation) 10% minimum of 1 per week